1981 |Motivation V, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Installation view of Motivation V, Montreal, Quebec
Self Portrait, 1981, ceramic, 82 x 62 x 40 cm,
“You go down into the street and tell it to the People”, 1981 ceramic, 76 x 50 x 50 cm
“You go down into the street and tell it to the People”, 1981 ceramic, 76 x 50 x 50 cm,
Les Chiens de Pâques, 1981, ceramic, 46 x 76 x 76 cm,
Les Chiens de Pâques, 1981 ceramic, 46 x 76 x 76 cm,

Les Pauvres crottes, 1981 lead, steel and paper pulp, 66 x 76 x 74 cm,

Photos © Yvan Boulerice