2023 | Inc(l)assable, Adrien Dubouché Museum, Limoges, France
2020 | Florès rouge, McBride Contemporary, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2019 | Révélations, Biennale Internationale Métiers d’Art et Création, Le Grand Palais, Paris, France The ensemble Florès was presented by CRAFT Centre de Recherche sur les Arts du Feu et de la Terre, Limoges, France
2018 | Fait Main, group exhibition, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Québec, Canada (curator Bernard Lamarche, catalogue)
2018 | 25 ans de creation(s) entre art et technique, Centre de recherche sur les arts du feu et de la terre at Casseaux Museum, Limoges, France
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The ensemble, Florès, reveals the shrinkage of porcelain (seventeen percent) from its initial state as a figure of a young man modelled in wet clay, its reproduction by moulding, to its final firing. Each of seven generations (eight sculptures) is cast from the fired porcelain of the previous generation to produce the same figure, but still smaller than that of the previous mould. The first modelled figure is the size of a very small man, 95 cm (Flores man, hence its title) and the last moulded figure is the size of a doll, 29 cm. The constant reduction in size of this figure, as well as the loss of certain details and the accumulation of parasitic details produce a tension between delight and concern in the viewer.
2023 | Adrien Dubouché Museum, Limoges, France
Photo © Frédérique April
The ensemble, Florès, is presented in the first part of the exhibition Inc(l)assable in the permanent collection of the Adrien Dubouché Museum, Limoges.
2020 | McBride Contemporary, Montreal, Canada
Photo © Guy L’Heureux
Florès rouge Master piece, foundry wax and hydrocal, 50x85x29 cm
2018 | National Museum of Fine Arts of Quebec, Quebec City, Canada
Photos © Idra Labrie, MNBAQ