2012 | Jarry Park, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Photos © Hye Kyong Yun

Photos © jake moore

Photos © Frédéric Saia
Horizons Lointains (Distant Horizons)
This work comprises of three elements each anchored to a pole: the figure of the young boy is represented at 2/3 scale, the left arm of a female athlete has been enlarged to four and a half times its normal scale and a stainless-steel helix, without a scale reference, is abstract and visually very light. Unlike the other two works, it is more of a drawing in space than a massive sculpture. These three sculptures act as indices of flight or movement; the curve of the vortex which accelerates before going into orbit is heading, like a tennis ball, towards the stands of the stadium, the left arm of a female athlete points out of the park, and the boy advances towards the action of the other two sculptures.
Text: Stephen Schofield