Atelier Daigneault | Schofield
2126, rue Rachel Est
Montréal, Québec H2H 1P9
In 2003, Michel Daigneault and Stephen Schofield started offering the two store windows of their studio on the rue Rachel to fellow artists to show their work. For periods of over two months, various artists have used the space as an exhibition space, as an installation space and others as a stage for performances. Some have emphasized the mirror effect of two identical windows, whereas others have used to create a narrative between the two windows and yet others have shown a single work that unites the two windows.
Although the general approach to the public is rather discrete and the actual studio space is not open to the public, the work in the windows can be viewed twenty-four hours a day seven days a week.
Some installations have indexed the change of daylight, for instance, Gisèle Trudel light installation would spring to life as the sun set. Other installations have referenced the original function of windows as a display of commercial goods as in the exhibition by Doug Scholes.
In order to emphasize direct access to the passers-by, the windows bear no signs that indicate their function as a showing space other than the identification of the artist’s name and the title of the work.
Most of the projects have been proposed directly by the artists themselves, others are generated by Daigneault and Schofield although some notable exhibitions have also been organized by independent curators such as Pascale Beaudet, Marie Perrault and more recently Joyce Yahouda. Again, our approach involves minimizing structure and emphasizing fluidity, simplicity and spontaneity. Or, to read the programme of La Vitrine in a different light, our approach resembles more that of the artist space projects of Claes Oldenburg. Les Levine, N.E. Thing Company than that of a structured artist-run centre of today.
Alexander, Vikky | 2015/04
Bachmann, Ingrid | 2007
Bauer, Lorna | 2011/09-11
Beaudette, Catherine | 2024/03-04
Billy, Anne | Commissaire Marie Perrault | 2015/03
Blatherwick, David | 2022/12
Bolduc, Catherine | 2022/01
Bouchard, Silvie | 2023/12
Bourgault, Pierre | 2019/05
Bouthillier, Marie-Claude | 2015/02
Buchwaldt, Andreas | 2018/04
Bui, Michelle | 2021/02
Carr-Harris, Ian | 2019/10
Chabot, Stéphanie | 2009/07-09
Claude, Stéphane, Aelab | 2012/02
Côté, Marie | Commissaire Marie Perrault | 2014/05
Cozic | 2004/09-10
Day, Sara | 2018/02
Duroux, Lisa | 2019/01
Galland, Emmanuel | 2022/06
Gougeon, Diane | 2019/12
Haberstitch, Sonia | 2013/11-2014/02
Hall,David | 2023/04-06
Jojovic, Danitza |
Knowles, John | 2011/09-11
Lafortune, Natalie | 2010/01-11
Laframboise, Alain | 2021/09
Laframboise, Marie-Josée |
Lafrance, David | 2021/11
Lamarche, Laurent | Commissaire Pascale Beaudet | 2017/02
Lammerich, Yvonne | 2019/09
Landry, Paméla | 2023/02-2023/04
Lapointe, Lyne | 2023/09-2023/11
Lassere, Ivan | 2018/02
Lau, Yam | 2020/09-11
Lavaillante, Renée | 2018/12
Lefebvre, Chloé | 2008/02
Legaré, Ginette | 2024/05
Leisure Projects, Carruthers, Meredith et Wesley, Susannah | 2013/07
London, Naomi | 2022/09
Mahon, Patrick | 2020/02
Major, Christine | 2020/07
Martin, Danielle | 2019/05
Martin Franco, Helena | 2018/07
Merritt, David | 2020/02
Morelli, Francois | 2014
Morgan, Joey | 2024
Mulvey, Frank | 2022/03-05
Murphy, Serge | 2020/12
Oades, Lorraine | 2008/12-2009/01
Olanick, Natalie | 2014/07-09
Philiberte, Jocelyn | 2024/01
Ramsden, Anne | 2016/01
Robert, Lucie | 2013/05
Scott, Susan G. | 2013/11
Scholes, Doug | 2007/07
Simon, Éric | 2024/07
Sorenson, Oli | 2020/09-11
Stephens, Justin |
Stevenson, Sarah | 2022/09
Szilasi, Andrea | 2020/05
Tomassini, Shanie | Commissaire Marie Perrault | 2016/09
Townsend, Martha | 2010/07
Transmission/ReTransmission | Commissaire Joyce Yahouda | 2021/05
Trudel, Gisèle, Aelab | 2012/02
Turcot, Susan | 2021/07
Waquant, Michèle | 2024/09
Susan Turcot, le dessin comme quête nourricière | Fondation Grantham | 2021/11/04
L’amour est dans l’atelier | Le Devoir | 2021/08/14
Transmission d’art en vitrine | La Presse | 2021/06/22
Créer dans la tourmente en 2020 | La Presse | 2021/01/04
Renée Lavaillante | Charbonner à l’aveugle | 17 nov-11 jan | Nov 17-Jan 11 | 2018/11/23
Andreas Buchwaldt | Flat Pack Sans Serif | 20 avr-15 juin | Apr 20-June 15 | 2018/05/28
Surprises pour piétons | Le Devoir | 2023/01/28
Balado | Les coulisses de l’art | par Frédéric Loury, Fondateur et directeur général de Art Souterrain
Upcoming exhibit
Current exhibit

2024/11 Joey Morgan Passages | Text + Images

2024/09 Michèle Waquant La route de Nesles | Text + Images
Pasts exhibits

2024/06 Éric Simon Timbrées, timbrés, timbrez ! | Text + Images

2024/05 Ginette Legaré La Barre des témoins | Text + Images

2024/03 Catherine Beaudette Vie Maritime | Text + Images

2024/01 Jocelyn Philibert Au jardin des possibles | Text + Images

2023/12 Sylvie Bouchard Circularités, (second volet) | Text + Images

2023/11 Susan G. Scott Circularités, (premier volet) | Text + Images

2023/09 Lyne Lapointe La femme enceinte | Text + Images

Maximum Sun | Text + Images

Woven Pattern Ball, After Shyrl | Text + Images

Stretch, Squash, Cinch | Text + Images

BOOH!PAN! | Text + Images

Les Appelants

Les membranes sont sujettes au gonflement | Text + Images

SHIBARI O’O’ | Text + Images

Flat Pack Sans Serif | Text + Images

Metal Objects | Text + Images

Sonia Haberstich